Editor in Chief
Innocent Omalu
ISSN: 2371-0381
Aim and Scope
International Journal of Applied Science is an open access, peer reviewed and refereed international journal published by ScienceVier Canada. The main objective of IJAS is to provide an intellectual platform for the international scholars, Scientist and researchers’ .IJAS aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in applied sciences and become the leading journal in science field.
The journal publishes research papers in the fields of science and technology such as chemical sciences, computer science, mathematics and statistics, engineering, environmental sciences, astronomy and astrophysics, Chemistry, Earth and atmospheric sciences, Physics, Biology in general, Agriculture, Biophysics and biochemistry, Botany, Forestry, Genetics, Horticulture, Husbandry, Neuroscience, Zoology, Engineering, Robotics and Automation, Materials science, Mechanics, Health Care & Public Health, Nutrition and Food Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and so on.
The following types of papers are considered for publication
- Original research works in the above mentioned fields
- Surveys, opinions, abstracts and essays related to science and engineering
- Few critical review papers will be published if the author had done considerable work in that area.
Key Features
- One of the journals aiming to bring out research in both Science and engineering research with wider scope.
- International journal to bring out research articles that seeks to uncover the science core technological advances.
- A journal that aims to cover all major domains including general science and engineering.
- Offering rapid review and publication, mostly the submitted papers will be published within two months.
- Online availability throughout the year enabling the user to download articles.
- Issue of DOI for better citation
Frequency of publication