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Important requirements
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Cover Letter
A letter must accompany the manuscript, and it must contain the following elements. Please provide these elements in the order listed as
- Manuscript title
- Name of the corresponding author
- Names of all other co-authors
- Type of manuscript (Letter, Article, Invited Feature Article, Invited Perspective, Comment (includes replies to Comments), and Additions/Corrections).
- A paragraph explaining why your manuscript is appropriate for International Journals of ScienceVier.
- If the manuscript was previously submitted to any International Journal of ScienceVier, provide the manuscript number of the submitted manuscript and a detailed response to each reviewer’s comments.
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Format of Research Articles
Research articles present original research and address a clearly stated specific hypothesis or question. Papers should provide novel approaches and new insights into the problem addressed. A research article should divide into the following headings:
- Title page
- Author’s information
- Present address
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Tables
- Figures
Format of Review Articles
Review articles are an attempt by one or more authors to sum up the current state of the research on a particular topic. Ideally, the author searches for everything relevant to the topic, and then sorts it all out into a coherent view of the “state of the art” as it now stands. Interested scientists may write their review articles under the following headings:
- Title page
- Author’s information
- Keywords
- Present address
- Abstract
- Text
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Tables
- Figures
Content-related issues
- ScienceVier does not require all authors of a paper to sign the letter of submission, nor does it impose an order on the list of authors. Submission to ScienceVier is taken to mean that all the listed authors have agreed upon all the content. The corresponding (submitting) author is responsible for having ensured that this agreement has been reached.
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A paper may be returned to the corresponding author for no other reason than that it suffers due to poor English. Papers must be understandable and communicate an unambiguous message. The editors and staff can make only a limited number of edits, and it is the responsibility of the authors to obtain help from a colleague who is fluent in English if that is needed. Most problems occur when there are nuances in meaning, and the authors bear the primary responsibility for clarity. Poor English may ultimately be a reason to refuse a paper.
Language Editing Services
ScienceVier is very much concerned about the clarity and professionalism of your manuscript. Our database shows that a large number of research articles were rejected due to a number of grammatical mistakes. ScienceVier is successfully providing language editing services to our authors at competitive rates.
Non English authors may contact us for professional scientific editing services before submission or after acceptance of their manuscripts to eliminate (minimize) the chances of rejection due to poor English.
Manuscript formats
- Before sending your manuscript to ScienceVier, please ensure that it meets the requirements stipulated in the manuscript ScienceVier.
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- All figure legends and tables should be included in the manuscript.
Title (120 characters or fewer)
The title should be brief and defined. It should not be more than 120 characters. Avoid specialist sub-standard abbreviations. Present this in title case, capitalizing all words except for prepositions and conjunctions. Titles should also include relevant information about the design of the study.
Title Page:
Title page should include paper title, each author(s) full name and institutional affiliation and location, for multiple authors, place a superscript after each author’s name and indicate the institutional affiliation below. Place an asterisk following the name of the principal/corresponding author, along with phone, fax and email.
The abstract should be its apparent, brief and precise summary, It should not be more than 250–300 words. Each abstract should include the following sub-headings, but these may vary according to requirements of the article.
- Background
- Objective
- Method
- Results
- Conclusion
- Keywords
Please do not include any citations in the abstract. Avoid specialist abbreviations if possible.
The introduction in the manuscript should be in broader context. During the write up always remember of less expert readers in the field.Include epigrammatic review of the key literature. Significant controversies or disagreements should be mentioned for non expert readers to explore further research. The introduction should conclude with a short statement of the overall aim of the experiments and a comment about whether that aim was achieved.
Materials and Methods
It should provide enough detail to allow full imitation of the study by duly skilled investigators. Protocols for new methods should be included, but well-established protocols may simply be referenced. We encourage authors to submit, as detach supporting information files, detailed protocols for newer or less well-established methods.
The goal of the results section in an empirical paper is to report the results of the data analysis .This section should provide details of the experiments which require supporting the conclusions of the paper. There is no particular word limit for this section. Subsections can be made in this section with a brief subheading. Large data sets, including raw data, should be submitted as supporting information files.
The discussion should clarify the major conclusions of the work along with some explanation or assumption on the consequence of these conclusions. How do the conclusions affect the existing assumptions and models in the field? How can future research build on these observations? What are the key experiments that must be done? The discussion should be concise and tightly argued. Conclusions firmly established by the presented data, hypotheses supported by the presented data, and speculations suggested by the presented data should be clearly identified as such. The results and discussion may be combined into one section, if desired.
People who contributed to the work but do not fit criteria for authorship should be listed in the Acknowledgments, along with their contributions. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that anyone named in the acknowledgments agrees to being so named. Details of the funding sources that have supported the work should be confined to the funding declaration provided on submission. Do not include them in the acknowledgments.
Only published or accepted manuscripts should be included in the reference list. Meetings abstracts, conference talks, or papers that have been submitted but not yet accepted should not be cited. Limited citation of unpublished work should be included in the body of the text only. Because all references will be linked electronically as much as possible to the papers they cite, proper formatting of the references is crucial. Please read guide to authors carefully to prepare a list of references.
- The table title should be brief. The rest of the table and footnotes should be placed below the table. Footnotes can be used to explain abbreviations.
- Data Tables should be submitted in Microsoft Word table format.
- Each table should include a title/caption being explanatory in it with respect to the details discussed in the table. Detailed legends may then follow.
- Table number in bold font i.e. Table 1, should follow a title. The title should be in small case with the first letter in caps. A full stop should be placed at the end of the title.
- Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals sequentially in order of their citation in the body of the text.
If a reference is cited in both the table and text, please insert a lettered footnote in the table to refer to the numbered reference in the text. - Tabular data provided as additional files can be submitted as an Excel spreadsheet.
- Do not include color, shading, lines, rules, text boxes, tabs, returns, or pictures within the table.
Figure formats & illustrations
- Production-quality figures are not helpful at this stage, and will be required only if your paper is accepted in principle for publication. Follow these guidelines carefully to produce versions suitable for editorial assessment and peer review:
- All digital images should comply with the journals’ policy on image integrity.
- We prefer that you convert all your figures to medium-resolution JPEG to reduce the time it takes files to upload to our submission site. If you cannot send JPEG we can accept GIF, PostScript (PS, EPS or PRN), PDF, TIFF and PowerPoint. Please do not send other formats.
- Figures should be prepared at the size you would expect them to appear in journal (a single column width is 89mm; double column width is 183 mm).
- We prefer figures to be 150 dpi (dots per inch). However, the general guide is that you should be happy with what you see on your printer and/or monitor and adjust the resolution accordingly. Most referees will print your figures on common laser or inkjet printers, using ordinary copy paper, and may view them on a monitor set to 256 colors. If you are using high-specification hardware please take this into account.
- Use Times or Times New Roman 12 point size only (other sizes as specified), and Symbol font for mathematical symbols (in the text and in the figures).
- Justification should be set to full (or left only, if preferred).
- Do not underline: Use italics, bold or bold italics instead.
- Line spacing should be set at 2 (Double).
- Leave a line space between paragraphs and sections.
- Leave a line space between section titles and text.
- Leave only one space after a full stop.
- Manuscripts must be typed on A4 (210 × 297 mm) paper, double-spaced throughout and with ample margins of at least 2.5 cm. All pages must be numbered consecutively. Starting with the title page as p.1, the text, which begins with p.2, is to be arranged in the following order: abstract, brief introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgements, references, figure legends, tables.
- The first page of the full manuscript must begin with the title of the paper centered on the page in 14 point Bold Title Case (title case means first letter of each main word capitalized), the names of the authors (Initials – followed by a period each – Family Name) with the main author’s name mentioned first, the names and locations of the authors’ affiliations (Title Case), and the e-mail address of the main author. The title page must provide the title in English, a short title of not more than 45 characters (including spaces) to be used as running head, up to five topical key words in English for subject indexing, the full postal address of the corresponding author to whom proofs will be sent. The title should be brief and should indicate the species studied. Subtitles are not encouraged.
- The abstract should not exceed 250 words, should be one paragraph and should be free of references and abbreviations. It should indicate clearly the scope and main conclusions of the paper.
- The introduction should give the pertinent background to the study and should explain why the work was done.
The materials and methods (or methodology) should give essential details, including experimental design and statistical analysis. - The results should present the findings of the research. They should be free from discussion. Results should be written in the past tense.
- The discussion should cover, but not simply repeat the new findings and should present the author’s results in broader context of other work on the subject interpreting them with a minimum of speculation.
- The acknowledgements should be as brief as possible.
List of References
- The list of references appears at the end of your work and gives the full details of everything that you have cited in the text in alphabetical order by the author’s surname.
- All sources must be referred in a consistent manner. Choose from the list of sources below, the examples given, provide a guide to the format and punctuation you should use.
The list of references appears at the end of your work and gives the full details of everything that you have cited in the text in alphabetical order by the author’s surname.All sources must be referred in a consistent manner. Choose from the list of sources below, the examples given, provide a guide to the format and punctuation you should use.
- Journal (Print)
- Journal (Electronic)
Journal Article (Print)
1.Author’s surname,Initial
2.Publication Year
3. Article Title
4. Name of Journal (in standard abbreviation)
5. Volume
6. Starting Pages
7. Ending Pages
8. Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
9. Direct link of the published article
Arnolad, B.R. and N.M. John, 2010.Preliminary Study of Physiology and Biochemistry of Root, Fruit and Leaves of Olive (Olea europaea) located in Soon valley and amaltas (Casia fistula)Apl., 12:1234-1238. DOI:10.3856/IJAS.2010.1234.1238;
Journal Article (Electronic)
1. Author’s surname, Initial
2. Publication Year
3. Article Title
4. Name of Journal (in standard abbreviation)
5. Volume
6. Page Numbers (if applicable)
7. Available at
8. Accessed on (enter date you viewed the article)
9. Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Albert, A., 2010. Information security for automated teller machines., 232: 1234-1235.
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